
Showing posts from November, 2010


WOW! We had such a fun Halloween this year. We had a Halloween party the night before Halloween and it was so much fun. We played Halloween surviver, where we had to play 10 different games. We played one game where we tied balloons do our ankles and we had to keep our from getting popped. Well there was me and one guy left and I went to go stomp on his balloon and I kicked him right in the shin. It hurt so bad that I ended up going to urgent care and I ended up breaking my toe. Ha Ha Ha no joke but what makes it all worth it is we won Halloween Surviver and Eli won best costume. On Halloween it pretty much rained all day so when we took Ezra Trick-Or-Treating it rained on us. So we only went to a few houses but he didn't mind, he had funnier answering the door and seeing all the costumes. We had such a fun Halloween and we hope all of you did too.


So we made another trip to California in October. Of course we had to make a Disneyland trip. This time we took just Ezra, so he could have his day to just himself and choose everything he wanted to do. Oh boy was it fun. Matt and I felt like a kid again, just running around with Ezra and watching him get so excited about everything. He was not even scared of any of the characters. He took his first roller coaster ride, He met Mickey Mouse 3 times, and he had a complete blast. Eli got to stay home with Grandma and Grandpa Q. He had so much fun with being Grandpa's assistant and showing off for Grandma at Tyler's game. Thank you Cheryl and Gary for watching Eli. That ment so much to us to spend time with just Ezra.